gomovies Google Drive Gladiator 2000 Full Movie
Actor - Connie Nielsen, Russell Crowe. Average ratings - 9,4 of 10. resume - In Gladiator, victorious general Maximus Decimus Meridias has been named keeper of Rome and its empire by dying emperor Marcus Aurelius, so that rule might pass from the Caesars back to the people and Senate. Marcus' neglected and power-hungry son, Commodus, has other ideas, however. Escaping an ordered execution, Maximus hurries back to his home in Spain, too late to save his wife and son from the same order. Taken into slavery and trained as a gladiator by Proximo, Maximus lives only that he might someday take his revenge and fulfill the dying wish of his emperor. The time soon comes when Proximo's troupe is called to Rome to participate in a marathon of gladiator games held at the behest of the new emperor, Commodus. Once in Rome, Maximus wastes no time in making his presence known, and is soon involved in a plot to overthrow the emperor with his former-love Lucilla, Commodus' sister, after whom he lusts, and also the widowed mother of Lucius, heir to the empire after his uncle, and democratic-minded senator, Gracchus. release year - 2000. Genre - Action. David Franzoni, David Franzoni
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We're not gonna run away, we're gonna stand up and overcome our obstacles, making our mark and proving we all have a strong fighting spirit. howling to the next day.
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The opening scene here is similar to the opening scene in "Saving Private Ryan. substitute horses for boats, tunics for fatigues and helmets BIG FANCY helmets. Anyway. any time a movie kicks off with a severed head, you know you're in for some rollicking family fun. Even King Arthur takes a break from Camelot to join the party.
Seems that Commodus (Phoenix) is the Marcus "W" Aurelius of Rome. He wants his dad's old gig. Dad wants to give the job to workingman's hero Maximus (Crowe. bye, Pops. Commodus then gets "Braveheart" on Maximus' ass, tearing up his vegetable garden, and his wife and kid. So what we got here is a WWF-worthy death-match type conflict. And away we go. br>
In the immortal words of Peter Graves in "Airplane. You like to watch gladiator movies, Timmy. Well, you could do lots worse than this one. For starters, some neat cinematography courtesy John Mathieson. Djimon Hounsou doing his "noble savage" thing straight outa "Amistad. Derek Jacobi grabbing the "I Claudius" toga for a redux. Oliver Reed in a Moroccan approximation of Fagin. Connie Nielsen looking almost as good as she did in "Devil's Advocate. And Phoenix getting that nasty Jack Palance evil-eye thing down to a tee and pasting it onto a little Nigel Tufnel spoiled-rock-star panache. Hey. What's not to love here?
This is a real Dino De Laurentus type old-style epic. A "Spartacus" for x-genners. "Gladiator" is gonna take home a handful of awards for costuming, cinematography and scenic design, which it deserves. Not as certain about the major nominations, but nobody involved with this picture has anything to be ashamed of. Solid entertainment the way mama used to make it. And Crowe gets to go home to Meg Ryan either or that's what I call a win-win situation, kiddies.
Saw this one on a big screen TV but if it goes back into theaters before the Oscars, I'll be on line. This has "Panavision" written all over it.
Gladiator garage. Hahahaha lol. Gladiator full movie. Joaquin Phoenix perfectly portrays a man without honor or a shred of integrity. The coward with unchecked power. Maximus checks him, though. Gladiator laska. Gladiator shelving. Ill admit Im the one whos cutting the onions.
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I wonder if someone in France listening to this song says “y he saying thank you so much?”.
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Zzz wheres the rest oohhh nvm its a gaming channel... Want me to watch it ? Neh im fine watching over 100 1 mil subbed youtube.
When the wolves howl In the middle of the night You can't do anything but to wonder When the wolves come to you Don't stare into it's eyes Cause if you do You'll be biten even before you realize We the Wolves howl because it's time for you to run.
01:31 * swoosh swoosh SWOOSH* dead.
Gladiator streaming. The start of this reminded me of Demi Lovato's confident. Gladiator jeep. Level 1 Crossover with Disney's Tangled!!! It's the ending scene when Eugene takes Rapunzel's crown playfully!! (≧▽≦) level 2 Ding ding ding, bell of winner! Hello fellow Disnerd! level 2 Seáns standing on his ladder level 1 Sean kinda looks like Rave from Uncharted level 2 also looks like Dušan Nemec from Watch_Dogs 2 level 1 Am I the only one that sees the bottom line of text (on the thumbnail) go behind the drawing. But the top text goes over the drawing?? level 1 Ding ding ding! Bell of gold reward for the creator of this picture level 2 He's standing on his fancy new ladder he bought level 1 He's to tall, she'a to short level 1 And then hides on top of the shelves so that Jack can't reach. level 1 Scaling is off- need to have Evelyn at least 3 metres higher up level 1 This is just when gab is tired of Jack’s shit.
Gladiator freezer. Gladiator movie cast. Gladiator garageworks. Gladiators trnava. Gladiator quotes.
Holy shit they actually formed the orb, well atleast they got that part historically accurate.
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Gladiator. I thought “this young man” was young Millie Bobby brown. Gladiator mojave. Gladiator refrigerator. Gladiator rubicon. Gladiator film. I have this feeling that the DPS got much better this year while the rest of the roster, especially in NA got worse. There are so many crazy DPS players I feel bad for, Decay, Doha, Oni, Kevster, Bird, Jerry, Ttuba. You can even make a case for KSP and Shax, as Valiant looks quite lost while these two keep fucking. Only support player I feel bad for is Myunbong.
Man, after all this time this movie still a gem. This was one of the best Movie in 2000! What happened after this. Gladiator beast. Gladiator costume. Gladiator forum. Gladiator online. Gladiator simulator codes. Haha, honestly, I love reading the comments from movies like The Eagle, and Hercules. It's like being in a war council. The only comment section I can stand on youtube is from ancient military strategy and tactics. Filled with actual knowledgeable information and facts. Bravo, Generals, bravo : Never give up the fight. Gladiator movie. Brought by the challenge final reckoning.
If you rent the HD version and broadcast it to your television you will be very satisfied. So much of this movie I remembered and so much I had forgotten. The artistry of Ridley Scott creating a world of the future and a world of decay along with the poignant story of the discovery that humanity may be different from what we expect. well I am a fan.
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Love this movie...
Phoenix killed this role.
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I wasn't the best because I killed Quickly, I was the best because the crowd loved me.
Gladiator cast. Level 1 I guess I need to git gud.. Can somebody tell me how this gladiator thing works? At what rating and how many wins are needed? level 2 Since Bfa you need to get 2400 Rating and get 50 wins while in the 2400+ bracket. Your progress wont be removed when you drop below the rating but you have to get above it again after you dropped to continue farming the wins level 2 50 wins above 2400 CR in 3s level 1 I think that it's a great looking mount, and I'm happy it's what they went with for glad Although the wings, at least in this model viewer, look a little goofy when on the ground Nvm maybe it's fine level 1 GO! RED EYES BLACK DRAGON! level 1 Windwalker 11 points · 3 days ago · edited 3 days ago level 1 Cool mount. I'll never ride it. level 1 The two i was looking forward to the most are this and the spider mount and they're both PvP so I'll never get them. I'm heartbroken. level 2 while the glad mount might be out of reach for many the spider mount isnt. Jumping into PvP and getting the wins doesnt require any rating and can be the start of a fun journey:) level 2 Spider mount is just wins above 1400 That's within reach of almost anybody level 2 There has never been a glad mount that wasn't based of a skeleton from a mount players could acquire through PVE. Blizzard would never give something this unique exclusively to PvPers. level 1 The wings said “the floor is lava” level 1 That’s a sick mount I’ll never have:) level 1 rly fcking cool with the wings down, just hope this is a unique model and not some random recolor from a raid or dungeon, or even achievement. level 1 Is this for the current season or season 1 of SL? level 2 Nvm watched the video and it is SL level 1 The wings look super weird to me when it’s on the ground. But when it’s flying they look normal.